Thank you!

 I would like to express my appreciation for the many people who donate yarn for us to use to make donations for local charity.  Your donation of yarn - no matter how small - means that another blanket, beanie, pair of gloves, scarf or pair of sox can be made and donated to someone in need of the warmth! I am sure that they appreciate the generosity as much as we all do.

I would also like to show what we do with even the smallest amount of yarn.

As knitters and crocheters - we all end up with these "scraps" of yarn.  Not enough to make anything with, but too much to throw away.  When they come our way, we join them using the magic knot technique and wind them all together into a skein, which is then used to make a blanket like these:

As you see, we do not throw away any useable yarn - because it can be crafted into a lovely warm and snuggly blanket.  They may not be the prettiest blankets, but they are made with love, and are very warm.
